3 Design Tips For Constructing a Large Residential Building
Deciding to undertake construction on a larger residential building like an apartment building or a block of townhomes means making countless decisions regarding every aspect of the design, zoning, construction and environmental impact. For most people, this task will require working with a design and construction company.
While the construction company you choose to work with will take on the majority of the building, you still want to come to the table with something to offer your building team from an owner’s perspective. To help give you some ideas for your own residential building design, here are three tips to keep in mind while your building is in the planning and construction phases.
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Make Building Changes Based on Environment
Depending on where you live, you’ll want to ensure your building is safe and economical for your environment. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, this means understanding your location’s wind climate, exposure, development density, construction characteristics and debris sources. Coming to understand all these elements will take a lot of research, so make sure you and your contractor are on the same page regarding what is necessary for construction in your specific area.
Consider Using Demand-Controlled Ventilation Systems
Another choice you will have to make when planning to build a large residential building is the type of ventilation system you want to install. While there are many options to choose from, a demand-controlled ventilations system has many benefits according to Enervex. By communicating with your contractor that you’d like to use this type of ventilation system, you as the building owner and manager will see benefits like improved efficiency and increased comfort for your residents.
Attempt to Save Water Wherever Possible
Large buildings use a large amount of water and other utilities. For this reason, it’s vital to save on these resources in any way you can. TPM Builders recommends taking all these costs into account early on in the planning and building process in order to keep your finances in check. In addition to this idea, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation also suggests installing water fixtures like low flow shower heads, water faucets and toilets; cold rinse-only washing machines for laundry; and reducing the temperature of hot water heaters at night. Each of these water saving ideas will not only help keep your utility costs low, but they will also help to conserve a precious resource that is getting sparser and sparser around the globe.
By researching and learning more about the options available to residential buildings when it comes to construction, you’ll be able to effectively communicate all your desires to your building designers and contractors in order to get a finished products that’s precisely to your specifications. Best of luck!