How To Combine Blogging With Your Job
This article assumes that you have a full time job and that you are able to support yourself on the money you earn; ergo you are not trying to make your fortune with blogging. It is hard to make money with your blog in any scenario, so looking towards blogging as a means of making a living wage is silly. This article explains how you may combine blogging with your job, but as a preemptive warning, you should be very careful about what you write online about your job, as many jobs are now able to fire you for the things you place online.
Make the time…if you have it
This is a question you need to ask yourself before you even start. Are you looking into blogging as a hobby because you have free time that you want to use, or are you doing it because you want your life to have more dimensions? It is true that both reasons are as good as each other, but if you are doing it because you have the time then you are in a far better position than if you are doing it for other reasons.
In both cases, it is a good idea to schedule a time to blog. You do not have to complete blog posts in one session. You can section two hours Thursday and two hours Sunday in order to write your blog posts. Still, creating a scheduled time will not only make you a more reliable blogger, it will also help you to manufacture the free time you need in order to do it.
Image Source: Pixabay
Use a scheduling tool
This is a great little tool for people who have jobs and a life and are not simply “available” at the same time every week. This tool means that you can write your blog post months in advance if you wish. You can create a massive catalogue and have them publish/upload every week on your behalf. They are easy to use and the fact that they allow you to stockpile blog posts means that you can cover all the times when your job and your life stop you from being able to create blog posts.
A scheduling tool is also ideal because it means you do not have to manually post at the same time every week. You can set the tool to consistently post on your behalf at the correct time every week, but you do not have to be there at the time to do it.
Use and RSS feed scheduling tool too
If you can find a tool that will schedule both your post and your RSS feed, then use that, otherwise find a scheduling tool for your RSS feed too. If you do not update your RSS feed on a regular basis, then people will stop using it or you will simply lose a lot of potential traffic because people will not have been reminded about your recent blog post. Just like the blog scheduling tool, this tool is both a convenience tool and is vital if you have a job and a life that is likely to get in the way of your blogging.
Have someone else do it for you during busy times
You may have busier periods during certain times of the year. If this is the case and you have started to have less time to blog, then consider letting another person write your blog for you. Or, at least having them write one or two during the times when you really do not have the energy or will to write. You can even make it a family member. You may have a son or daughter who is just itching to have a go at writing on your blog. There may also be another blogger who is willing to write posts in your name if you allow him or her to add a backlink or two. Just be sure to read the posts before uploading them.
Mix it with your time of Facebook
Lots of people spend evenings on Facebook just playing around or talking to people on there. Have you ever noticed how you sometimes spend minutes just looking at the screen or thinking of what to do next? You can use those times a little more productively if you intersperse your Facebook time with blogging. You already have the time because you would have normally spent it on Facebook anyway, plus you are still logged on to Facebook where your friends and family may still gain contact with you, so it is not as if you are losing anything.